Creative Writing in Creative Places
Summer is here and I’m back to being a fulltime mommy with fulltime writing demands. As hard as I tried to finish all my writing projects...
Overcoming Website Anxiety
Freaked. Confused. Overwhelmed. And totally panicked with sweaty palms and an erratic heartbeat. Yes, the idea of having my author...
Marie's Tempting Reads Gives Forbidden Temptation 4.5 STARS
Check out the first review for Forbidden Temptation, book 4 in the Texas Stallions series from Marie's Tempting Reads: I truly, sincerely...
Zombie Seduction - A Morgan Fox Romantic Favorite
5 STAR - OUTSTANDING Review at MER - My Earnest Review "This was such a fun book to read! I didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I...
The Latest Moonlight Shifters Release -- Enslaved by the Moon, Moonlight Shifters 6
"Outstanding fits this book to perfection! I LOVED it! The characters are struggling with so many emotions and baggage from past and...
See How It All Started - Seduced by the Moon, Moonlight Shifters 1
Was it possible for a heart to explode out of a man’s chest? Because that’s exactly how Sebastian felt being so close to Brie. Not being...